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Writer's pictureTara Moler

4 Tips to Survive Super Busy Summer Months

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As a working mom of two, I want to give some advice about how to get through a packed work/life summer month (or really any busy month) without burning out.

For the last few years, I’ve been very intentional about NOT packing too many things into our weeks and weekends. This typically comes in the form of trying to “spread things out”. (In industrial engineering, this is called level-loading, trying to create a smooth flow). 😁

But sometimes, even with the best of intentions and my weekly planning process in place, we get a whole bunch of things squeezed into a couple of weeks.

And that happened this late May to early June.💥

I felt like I was just holding my breath, waiting for the downtime…that never really came.

There was event after event (wedding, bachelorette party, memorial, camping trip) paired with important and time consuming things at work.

And I’m a big advocate of saying “no” in order to NOT pack our schedules. But I actually didn’t WANT to say no to any of these things (and most of the event dates really were not actually in my control).

So…here’s what I did and thought to balance it all out without burning out:

✨ I realized these few weeks were going to be busy (after evaluating everything and PURPOSEFULLY deciding to keep it all the schedule).

✨ I realized these were all AMAZING things, experiences, and celebrations I wanted to share with those people in my life (which definitely filled many relationship buckets for me). I didn't want to see them as a burden. 

✨ I made sure to build in some buffer into the family schedule (and some ME time) for as soon as those things were done.

✨ I chose to be extra cognizant of looking for and finding those small, precious moments of peace, joy, or beauty.

These pictures summed up how I was feeling. The last hurrah of these very full weeks was camping this past weekend with 3 other families all with kids all the same ages.

In our very messy family tent, I woke up in the fresh morning light and saw my kids sleeping right there. And I just felt this immense love for them and saw their pure beauty (remember when you used to just watch your baby sleep?) ❤️

And it (the absolute pure beauty) was right there, in the middle of what looked like a mess and things chaotically strewn about the tent.

So…..when things get hectic, remember to be purposeful. Control what you CAN control and be purposeful about seeing the beauty in the chaos. 🌟

I’m Tara Moler, Founder of Motherhood Balanced helping working moms to reclaim their time to be the mother AND career woman they’ve always envisioned.

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